Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Gabriel Harvey, 1552-1631: Sonnet V

I am not to instruct, where 1 may learne :
But where I may persuasiuely exhort,
Nor ouer-dissolute, nor ouer-sterne,
A curteous Honesty I would extort.
Good loathes to damage, or vpbraid the good ;
Gentle, how loouely to the gentle wight?
Who seeith not, how euery blooming budd
Smileth on euery flower fairely dyght,
And biddeth fowle illfauourdness Godnight?
Would Alciats Embleme, or sum fcarlet whood,
Could teach the Pregnant sonnes of shiny Light,
To interbrace each other with delight.
      Fine Mercury conducts a dainty band
      Of Charites, and Muses, hand in hand.


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